time batching to increase profit

As a wedding business owner, your daily to-do list never ends. There are always certain tasks to complete to help grow your business before you can even get to the high-level tasks, all while trying to maintain somewhat of a personal life. 

“Maintaining a successful wedding business, family, and personal life starts with a solid foundational schedule, also known as time batching. This powerful tool can help you juggle all your daily, high level and family obligations while taking your wedding business to the next level.”

So, what is time batching and how can it help you increase your wedding business profits? Continue reading to learn how you can transform your wedding business using this powerful method.

What Is Time Batching?

Time batching is the process of creating a structure for your day that helps you address all the tasks on your to-do list. While also enjoying free time to do the things you love outside of your wedding business.

Jordan Page from cheaperfree.com compares the concept of a block schedule to a college timetable. In a structured timetable, you go from English class to Science class and so on, entirely focusing on one topic at a time. You aren’t thinking about the next class; you aren’t multitasking many projects or tasks at the one time; you are just focusing on your English class for the next hour. Then when that time block is over, you move on to the next topic. 

Increase your wedding business profits with time batching. 

Time batching not only allows wedding business owners to complete the tasks they have to do but also the tasks they want to do.

Imagine having time set aside to exercise in the mornings, have time to cook a healthy dinner at night with your family, or enjoy a coffee mid-morning at your favorite cafe. 

Feeling recharged and organized is crucial for the growth of your wedding business. Time batching can give you more energy to:

  • Create the follow-up sequence that has been on your to-do list for months
  • Have weekly calls with a wedding business coach
  • Complete that business course you have wanted to do for years.

Implementing time batching into your busy wedding business schedule helps you allocate enough time in your day to complete the tasks that are important to you. 

Can you still time batch when every day is different?

Absolutely! Time batching is perfect for wedding professionals who usually run on an unpredictable schedule. 

Although your tasks might be different from day to day, specific tasks happen around the same time each day. Generally, you might wake up around the same time every morning and go to sleep about the same time every night. You might even have certain times of the day where you usually work on your wedding business and when you don’t.

Putting clear parameters around those time frames helps you know what to expect at the beginning of every day, week, and month. 

Why every wedding business owner needs to start time batching. 

Do you often find yourself getting bogged down in the daily tasks for your wedding business when you start to feel antsy? You really should be focusing on the future instead and planning for the next three months.

Or vice versa, have you ever been in the middle of planning ahead, but you keep thinking, “I have to call that bride back” or “I need to send that follow-up email.”

Time batching your wedding business frees up your mind to focus on one task at a time because you’ve built-in time to address the other vital tasks later. 

  • Delegates your energy 
  • You feel more recharged than exhausted
  • Decreases overwhelm by focusing on one task at a time 
  • It frees up time to do the things you love 
  • Increases your profits
  • Ensures essential daily tasks are getting done 

How to start time batching today

Make a list of the most important things to you, not only from a business perspective but also from a personal perspective. For example, do you want to have dinner with your family at least twice a week? Do you miss reading something for fun? Do you want to have time to go for a walk every morning? 

Once you have made your list of business and personal goals, take a look at your schedule and delegate a specific time and amount of time each day or week that allows you to reach your goals: Every Monday morning at 8 am, you go to your favorite yoga class. Between 2-3 pm every day, you write emails and respond to new inquiries from engaged couples. You only work on your wedding business between 9-4 Monday – Friday. 

Time batching small and big tasks helps you create a well-rounded life you enjoy and a successful wedding business that continues to book more brides every year. 

Actionable next step 

When your wedding business follows a time batching schedule, it allows you to focus on one task at a time, knowing that the other essential tasks won’t get missed. And hopefully breathe a little easier. 

We recommend starting with Jordan Page’s free printable that shows you how to create your own batching schedule. Click here to go to cheaperfree.com.

Streamlining important tasks and scheduling time to recharge will allow you to focus on taking your business to the next level. Do you want to go from being a weekend warrior to a full-time wedding professional? Do you want to hire additional team members for your wedding business? 

Book More Brides offer business coaching for wedding professionals who want to take their wedding business to the next level. If you are ready to create a clear, actionable plan that helps you book more brides in the upcoming December engagement season, click here to learn more.  

time batching to increase profit