Upgrade Wedding Business

What does six seconds mean to your wedding business? 

Well, when it comes to the online world, it means everything.

“When an engaged couple lands on your website, they will decide if they want to learn more about you or cross you off their list of maybes, in only SIX SECONDS.”

So, you have six seconds to immediately draw your ideal wedding couples in and tell them everything they need to know about your wedding business. So, what should you include to make a great 1st impression? 

This topic is a big one. In fact, we have dedicated an entire training to it in our Growth Academy

Today’s blog will cover three actionable tips to help you upgrade your website homepage today and convert more maybes to yeses. 

A Very Clear Picture Of Success

On a fundamental level, when we refer to the picture of success on your website, we mean an actual photograph (aka the hero image of your homepage). This should be a visual that shows your potential couples what they really want from hiring you. If you’d like a deeper dive into a picture of success, we recommend reading Stress or Success? What is the picture on your website showing your ideal couples?”

A picture of success should not be:

As amazing as you are as a wedding pro, your picture of success should not be a picture of you. It also should not be a picture of your wedding venue or a picture of a wedding tablescape. 

A picture of success should be:

An image of people experiencing the result of what it is that you are providing for them. Which is so much more than just a pretty wedding venue, a wedding day photoshoot, or a wedding flower arrangement. You are providing a feeling to your wedding couples. They want to feel a certain way on their wedding day, and that is what you are delivering to them. 

Your picture of success will be different depending on what type of wedding professional you are and which wedding industry market you work in. 

A Clear And Enticing Headline Statement

The next section of your homepage we recommend updating is generally located over, above, or below your picture of success. We recommend placing it below your homepage hero image to create a stronger impact. As humans, we are very visual creatures, and we seek to connect with people we relate to through facial expressions and body language. So, first, draw your potential wedding couples in with a powerful emotional image, then completely captivate them with an enticing headline statement that makes them say: “Wow, {Insert your name here} gets me! They understand what I want!”

A clear headline statement should not be:

Baltimore Area Wedding Photography. 

A clear headline statement should be:

Elegant wedding photography experience in Baltimore 

The first statement is very clear – points for clarity! – but your homepage headliner statement also needs to be enticing. It needs to say exactly what you will be delivering to your bride and groom on their wedding day. Your potential couple has the visual of the picture of success, and now they need the words that describe that picture of success. This is why the second statement will convert more brides to booked brides. 

A Clear Call To Action

The third section on your homepage that we recommend upgrading is generally located in the upper right-hand corner. You need to have a clear call to action (CTA).

A CTA should not be:

Book Now 

First of all, Book Now is a huge commitment when your potential couples are just starting to learn more about you. It’s the equivalent of asking a stranger, “Will you marry me?” instead of “Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?” We recommend helping your wedding couples move forward along the path with a more welcoming approach.

A CTA should be:

Schedule a consultation OR Get packages and pricing 

A gentle CTA such as the one above tells your potential wedding couples, “You don’t have to commit right now, but if you’re interested, here is more information to help you make a decision.”

Increase your wedding business conversions by ensuring your website homepage includes the following…

A clear and emotional picture of success, headline statement, and call to action will help you maximize those six seconds and convert more wedding leads. By connecting, informing, and enticing your ideal wedding couples, you are letting them know how you can make their wedding day even more special without pressuring them to book now. 

So wedding pro, what do your ideal couples want from you at the end of the day? Answering this question is the first step to actioning the three tips we shared today.

Do you struggle writing powerful and enticing copy?

You are not alone! Most wedding professionals find this very challenging. You became a wedding professional because you are passionate about wedding venues or wedding photography, not writing copy. That’s why we have dedicated an entire section in our Booked And Busy Trainings so passionate wedding professionals can learn the skills they need to grow a successful wedding business. 

Learn more about our popular Growth Academy here.

Upgrade Wedding Business